Imagine the following as a 3*3*3 cube of six elements (the standard four Western elements plus light and dark, holy and shadow, life and death, creation and the void, or whatever such pair you wish), rolled out into a 2-dimensional view. For example, cells 1A through 3C are the fire side of the cube, while 3A through 5C are the earth side. (There are several duplicates here. For instance, 7E through 9G are also the earth side, twisted 180 degrees, while cells 5C, 3E and 7E are all the same corner of the cube.)
For ease of visualization, the centers of each face of the cube have been bolded. The text in each cell is its hexadecimal color code, in standard RRGGBB notation. The white text does not mean anything special, but is merely provided for legibility. The gray cell is for reference, and represents the center of the cube.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | |
1 | ffffff | ff80ff | ff00ff | 8000ff | 0000ff | 0080ff | 00ffff | 80ffff | ffffff |
2 | ffff80 | ff8080 | ff0080 | 800080 | 000080 | 008080 | 00ff80 | 80ff80 | ffff80 |
3 | ffff00 | ff8000 | ff0000 | 800000 | 000000 | 008000 | 00ff00 | 80ff00 | ffff00 |
4 | 80ff00 | 808000 | 800000 | ||||||
5 | 00ff00 | 008000 | 000000 | 808080 | |||||
6 | 00ff80 | 008080 | 000080 | ||||||
7 | 00ffff | 0080ff | 0000ff | 000080 | 000000 | 008000 | 00ff00 | 00ff80 | 00ffff |
8 | 80ffff | 8080ff | 8000ff | 800080 | 800000 | 808000 | 80ff00 | 80ff80 | 80ffff |
9 | ffffff | ff80ff | ff00ff | ff0080 | ff0000 | ff8000 | ffff00 | ffff80 | ffffff |
Fire | ff8080 |
Water | 008080 |
Light | 80ff80 |
Dark | 800080 |
Air | 8080ff |
Earth | 808000 |