Hex Code "808080"= Red 80, Green 80, Blue 80
80 | 80 | 80 | 808080 | |
Red | Green | Blue | = | Gray |
This is a mixture of equal amounts of the three colors. The result is a medium gray.
Each value uses two hexadecimal digits, giving you 256 possibilities for each color. Since there are three colors, the total number of possible colors is 256 X 256 X 256 = over 16 million.
If all values are set to 0, the screen will be black:
Black | Hex Code: 00 00 00 |
If they are set to the maximum (hex FF, decimal 255), the screen will be white.
White | Hex Code: FF FF FF |
The screen is gray when all three colors are at the same value, somewhere between minimum (black) and maximum (white).
Dark Gray | Hex Code: 20 20 20 | |
Medium Gray | Hex Code: 50 50 50 | |
Light Gray | Hex Code: B0 B0 B0 |
To produce pure colors, leave two colors at 0, and set a value for the third color (the desired color).
Red | Hex Code: FF 00 00 | |
Green | Hex Code: 00 FF 00 | |
Blue | Hex Code: 00 00 FF |
Set values for two or three of the colors to obtain colors that are a mixture of the primary colors.
Warning:Mixing colors in HTML is directly opposite from mixing colors with paint. Low amounts of color make dark shade; high amounts of color make bright shades. With HTML, you are mixing light, not paint. |
Yellow | Hex Code: F0 F0 00 (Red + Green) | |
Purple | Hex Code: 60 00 60 (Dark Red + Dark Blue) | |
Orange | Hex Code: FF 70 00 (Red + Medium Green) | |
Brown | Hex Code: 90 50 30 (Red, Green, and a little Blue) |
Use the automatic color mixer to experiment.